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You have been Zapped by an Inspired Idea

The Storyspinner Wheel

Will you answer the Call to Adventure?

Training with the Wizardopolis Instructors can help you receive more Inspired Ideas. (image: author)

If Storyspinning Crossroad Day 0s are all about becoming aware of the call to adventure, Quest Day 1s are when you answer the call.

You do this by determining that there is something that you want.

Something different than what is provided by your current Visible World routine. There is something in the Invisible World that you want to make visible.

Today you connect with your invisible Inspired Idea.

The Invisible World is filled with Inspired Ideas. All the ideas that have ever existed reside here, and new ideas are being born all the time. No one quite knows exactly what they are; they are more mysterious than your thoughts, and more changeable than your feelings. These ideas exist in an electrified field of pure inspirational energy. This field resides directly above your head. You are being zapped by ideas all the time. Sometimes little zaps, something bigger zaps.

And this is important. Not all Idea Zaps are for you to do something about. In fact, most of them are not. But it’s important to stay present to this field, and to enjoy these little (and big) bursts of energy. You are being charged up by the Invisible World to be ready and online for YOUR invisible idea.

Here it comes.


This is a much bigger zap*, and it does something to your other invisible energies. It electrifies your Mind, and your Mind gets a mental image of this idea. Like an invisible electrified hot potato, the Mind volleys the image down to the Heart.

The Heart catches it and tosses it about a little bit until it cools down enough for the Heart to decide how it feels about it. If the Heart swells to embrace it, it tosses it down to the Body.

The Body, as always, is slower to respond. Likely it will toss it about in the vicinity of what is elegantly called the gut. If the gut gives it a thumbs up, we’ve got ourselves an Inspired Idea that it is up to us to do something about.

This is the optimum and simple path for Inspired Idea traveling. We call it your Quest in Storyspinner terminology. You have a mission for the next 30 days, or however long your Quest will take. (Some take less time, some more time; Inspired Ideas vary… A LOT.)

But often it’s not quite so clear. One part of the Team may hesitate about the Quest. Maybe your Mind is vacillating. Or your Heart is ambivalent. Or your Body feels some fatigue when contemplating the actions involved in going on this Quest. When this happens the Inspired Idea will hang around a bit. Sometimes Inspired Ideas can hang around a long time, waiting for the timing to be right and for all the inner cast of players to agree that ‘yes this idea is for us to do something about.’

So there isn’t necessarily urgency to take action immediately with every idea. Sometimes the idea believes that you are indeed the person to take action on it — the idea is unique enough that it will stick with you even if you vacillate. But many ideas are more universal and they will hang out with you for a time to see if you want to take the journey with them. And eventually, they will move on to another more ready Idea Realizer.

Ideas want to make the journey from the Invisible World into the Visible World. And they want to make it with you. You can’t make this journey with all of them, but you will want to take this journey each and every month with at least one truly Inspired Idea.

Your idea will light your path and provide meaning and purpose in the days and weeks ahead. Choose it wisely with Team Mind+Heart+Body and accept that call to adventure. Get good at tuning into the Invisible World and its field of Idea Zaps. (Wizard School can help, as can other spiritual practices.)

*A very incomplete list of Idea Zaps categories, sorted by the Secret Storyworld realms.

Wizard Spirit Zaps
30 days of mastering Invisible World tools to increase your spiritual energies — tools like meditation, attention/intention charms, incantation, spellcasting, and potion mixery.

Mystery Mind Zaps
30 days of practicing mindfulness, choosing to pursue a curiosity that involves study and learning, skilling up, learning a language, a musical instrument, choosing to pursue an educational degree.

Fairy Tale Emotional Zaps
30 days of practicing the happily-ever-actions. Choosing to practice emotionally expressive arts like journaling, singing, public speaking, acting, performing of any kind. Updating your character expression through how you dress, which will influence how you feel which will change what you think, say, and do.

Garden of Love Relationship Zaps
Deepening a relationship, dating, creating a relationship plan, more family time, making new friends, joining new groups, trying a dating app.

Superhero Fitness Zaps
Committing to a regular fitness training routine, learning or improving at a sport, training for a race, choosing a new fitness activity, signing up for yoga, dance class, martial arts, upgrading your nutrition.

Muse Creative Zaps
30 days to create a book, song, poem, play, craft, illustration, (insert your creative project here). To ship a business or service to the marketplace.

Genie Money Zaps
A plan of investment, savings, debt dissolving, saving for something special, creating a new income stream.

Timekeeper Celebration Zaps
A trip, travel, camping, event or party planning, doing nothing, sleeping more, sleeping under the stars, trying our 30 days of outside bucket list.

Gnome Home Zaps
Garden, home improvement, decluttering, redoing a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, organizing the garage.

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